
“Four givens are particularly relevant for psycho-therapy: the inevitability of death for each of us and for those we love; the freedom to make our lives as we will; our ultimate aloneness; and, finally, the absence of any obvious meaning or sense to life.”

― Irvin D. Yalom

Counselling & Psychotherapy

“In general terms, counselling is concerned with a circumscribed difficulty arising from an identified precipitating cause and is short-term in application, whereas psychotherapy is concerned with more fundamental and inherent difficulties of longer duration and with less easily identified causes.” A Vision For Change (2006)

While there is no clear definition between counselling and psychotherapy, the word counselling can be used to refer to shorter-term methods of working with specific issues. Typically counselling will last anywhere from three to six months depending on the presenting issue. 

Psychotherapy can refer to a longer and more in-depth process that deals with more complex problems. Due to the complexity of the work and the depth of the relationship psychotherapy often lasts longer than six months as it takes time to form the trust needed for the client to feel safe in addressing some deeper rooted issues. 

To book an assessment for counselling or psychotherapy please email or call me on 087-0993901

Stress Management

The modern world presents many clients with high levels of stress and anxiety. In my practice, I use a range of techniques and approaches to address these issues. These approaches include mindfulness-based therapies, guided meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation which can be combined through practice with behavioural interventions to help the client control levels of stress that occur in their daily lives. Through the practice of mindfulness, the client can learn to reconnect with their body giving them a better insight into how stressful events impact them and how they can better take steps to combat those stressors before they become problematic. Unlike counselling or psychotherapy, stress management can be done in as little as 6 face to face sessions with practice exercises to be completed between sessions

To book a 6-session Stress Management course, please email

Child and Adolescent Counselling and Psychotherapy

Working with clients under the age of 18 requires the participation of both the client and the parents. While sessions are held in confidence with clients on a one-to-one basis, there may be times when I ask parents to meet with me separately in order to discuss issues that may be pertinent to their child's therapy. Occasionally, depending on the presenting issue, I may also insist that at least one of the parents be willing to undergo their own therapy so that they are in a position to support their child during the therapeutic process. 

Counselling and psychotherapy services are available for under 16's by referral only. For more information on child and adolescent therapy with me please contact The Self Center Clinic or LIR Psychological Services

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